Monday, June 3, 2013

Our “101 Guide” To Preparing For A Show

It’s midnight and you've finally gotten your shipping crates back after the last long day of a three-day show. Your back aches from standing in the showroom for 8 hours. Your feet hurt from those shoes that need more support. And all you want to do is catch a little sleep and head home to your family, and your own bed! So what do you do? You cram your displays into their cases quickly, and maybe not carefully, with hopes you will be home for that home cooked Sunday meal.

Sound familiar?

If you have found yourself in this situation before, you probably have also found yourself in another one…

Come time for the next show, you arrive at the conference hall and pull out your display to set up, and find it damaged! Argh. Now what?!?!

At Mark Bric Display, we want to help.

Here is our “101 Guide” to avoiding these potential problems during this busy show season.

Avoid The Curl

If you rolled up the graphics to your display and stuck them in storage, we encourage you test the graphics before you leave for the show. Lay them flat for a few days, to stretch them out and avoid that curl!

Check The Mag Tape

Is your magnetic tape still holding? Mag tape can lose its grip after wear and tear, especially if you haven’t stored your display carefully. Avoid attaching the magnetic sides of the tape together and avoid getting permanent magnets next to magnetic tape. If you don’t the mag tape might lose its magnetism. Make sure everything on your display is holding tight and won’t fall down mid sales pitch!

Don’t Go Off The Rails

It’s important to make sure all the system hardware is in working condition. Test all connections and components to make sure they move fluidly, connect as designed, and aren’t bent from travel, before packing up and heading to the show.

The Nuts and Bolts

Hardware is important! If your system uses loose fasteners like nuts and bolts screws and washers, check to make sure you aren’t missing any critical part. Make sure to store them in a closed separate compartment to keep them organized. There is nothing worse than missing that one piece of the puzzle! These small pieces to your display are usually lost when you are packing up in a hurry to get home. Don't lose the battle like the cavalry soldier whose horse couldn't be ridden because a shoe was missing and no one could find the nail!

Preferably, we recommend you perform a dress rehearsal before leaving for the show. Make sure you test out all the components before you arrive to avoid any troubling situations. We want your experience with our displays, or any displays for that matter, to be the best it can be, so making sure you plan ahead is important.

As always, there are circumstances that happen that can put you in a jam come show time. If you find yourself in a predicament never fear, Mark Bric On Call is here! Need a replacement part or help troubleshooting an exhibit issue? Just call or email “Mark Bric On Call,” 1-800-Pic-Mark or In most cases, we can overnight a part or product to you to keep you in play.


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