Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The New Face of Mark Bric Display

Speak Out!
Here’s hoping you fall in love with our brand new Mark Bric Display website—rebuilt from the ground up with the intent of giving you a great user experience.   

We finally decided that it was time to quit hiding all of our great content behind a very confusing maze of menus & links, clicks & clacks!  Seriously, what started for us many years ago as primarily a tool to push information to those dealers/value-added-resellers who pretty well already knew us and our product line had become way too confusing and was no longer really serving anyone all that well.
Soooooooooo…..thanks to a lot of smart folks at our ad agency & our tech support partners, and a combined effort from several corners of the Mark Bric world, we now have a totally new, fresh presence on the web—complete with all of the social media tools that have become such an important piece of the communication puzzle.   

One of the key features that we hope you will appreciate is that our new site should be extremely easy to navigate.  Rather than assume a visitor already knows about Mark Bric products, we’ve organized the new site around the intended product applications—Retail, Roadshow, and Tradeshow.  The Retail and Tradeshow categories are pretty well self-explanatory.  We’re using Roadshow to indicate displays which are easily portable, quickly set up and taken down.  Obviously there will be some product cross-over, but we think you can follow the intent of these application groups.  You can, of course, still click directly to a specific product if you already know what you need.  But if you or your customers are looking for multiple ideas for a given project, the new site should make your life much easier. 
We’ve also added an introductory video in which we have tried to briefly and succinctly explain our strengths---to answer the question of why you and your customers should trust your display business to Mark Bric.  Although we don’t expect you to watch it every time (hence the ‘skip intro’ button—heck, we’re not keeping score!), we hope you will agree that the message gets at the heart of the kind of company we always strive to be---solid products, each with a strong value proposition, and backed by a unique, high-integrity group of long-term associates from around the world, all dedicated to providing you with a total business experience that can’t be beat.
Finally, we’d like to think that the icing on this new cake is contained in our new slogan—Speak Out!.  This phrase was carefully chosen to convey multiple meanings.  We want you to ‘speak out’ to us when you need new products, when you have new ideas, & certainly when anything goes wrong with a Mark Bric project.  We want your customers to ‘speak out’ to help us better understand their needs.  And we want to be instrumental in helping you, and your customers, ‘speak out’ in the marketplace, so that your/their message stands out from the crowd.
So, please review the site, share comments on our new social media venues, use these new tools with your customer base, and ‘speak out’ to let us know what else we can do to help grow your business.  You are, without question, the key to our success!
Larry Ragland,
President, Mark Bric Display USA